NEGDRUGS AND CLINICAL CENTER is a medical foundation with paramount objectives: the promotion and enhancement of health standard and development in our localities, and the fight against poverty, through its many activities which includes;

-Health education via daily counseiling, programmed sensitization campaigns and the distribution of informative tracks.

-Organization of seminars and Workshop programmes: a forum for the exchange of ideologies and the training of health educationists.

-Cottage Health Centers which render Clinical Services at an Affordable (low) cost.

NB-These to restore each and every ones right for a better health and in a nutshell help to fight poverty in our localities and Cameroon as a whole.

It was founded in 2002 by Dr. NTUI EBOT Gabriel after a visit to his village and saw how wound infections and other health problems were being very poorly managed. Drawn by sympathy for the common population and fear for the consequences of such health problems, he decided to create an organization that will help sensitize the public on their health. Knowing also very well that sensitization alone cannot and will not do the job, he also decided to create cottage health centers which can render health services at a very low cost. As of now, there are two cottage health centers all in YaoundeCameroon. One in Ngoa Ekelle in the Bonamoussadi neighborhood (the mother branch) and the second was in BiyemAssiSomatel which has now been relocated to our own building at Ezala-Ahala Yaounde. Yaounde because, that is where he is base but his activities have touched the lives of many Cameroonians and foreigners indiscriminate of place of origin. All these thanks to the continuous and progressive efforts he has invested in the growth of the structure from a very primitive health care unit with just counseiling and simple general consultation, to the multi consultational unit with all the services now available.